Productos / Criados sin hormonas agregadas

All Natural* Traditional Uncured Ham

Made with premium cuts of hand-trimmed pork, then seasoned and slow cooked to perfection, Boar's Head All Natural* Traditional Uncured Ham delivers a delicious flavor that comes from All Natural* ingredients. As part of the Boar's Head All Natural* Collection, the pork is humanely raised** with no added hormones or antibioticsꝉ, fed a vegetarian dietꝉ, and there are no added nitrites or nitrates‡.

  • Criados sin hormonas agregadas
  • Sin Antibióticos
  • Sin nitratos ni nitritos agregados

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*No artificial ingredients, minimally processed. 

**Boar's Head Brand defines humanely raised as animals raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors.

ꝉ Pork raised without the use of antibiotics, hormones, growth promotants or by-products. Vegetarian grain fed. Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in pork.

‡ Except for those naturally occurring in Sea Salt and Cultured Celery Powder.

Sin nitratos ni nitritos agregados excepto los que se generan naturalmente en el polvo de apio fermentado y la sal marina.