All Natural*

Organic Oven Roasted Turkey Breast

Made with premium cuts of whole muscle turkey breast, then seasoned and oven roasted to perfection, Boar's Head® Organic Oven Roasted Turkey Breast delivers delicious flavor from Organic ingredients. As part of the Boar's Head® All Natural* Collection, the turkey used is humanely raised** with no added hormones or antibioticsꝉ, and there are no added nitrites or nitrates‡. Boars Head® Organic Oven Roasted Turkey Breast is USDA certified Organic and Non-GMO.


*No artificial ingredients, minimally processed.

**Boar's Head Brand® defines humanely raised as animals raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors.

 ꝉTurkey raised without the use of antibiotics, hormones, growth promotants or by-products. Vegetarian grain fed. Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in turkey.

‡ Except for those naturally occurring in Sea Salt

Sin nitratos ni nitritos agregados excepto los que se generan naturalmente en el polvo de apio fermentado y la sal marina.


Ingredientes frescos cortados a mano para ofrecer su sabor característico