Sin color caramelo

46% Lower Sodium Turkey Breast

Boars Head® 46% Lower Sodium, una versión mejorada de un sabor clásico casero, es saludable para el corazón, sin conservantes y con menos sodio.
Vista de rebanado Boar’s Head® 46% Lower Sodium Turkey Breast Vista de rebanado Boar’s Head® 46% Lower Sodium Turkey Breast

Receta presentadas

Qualifies for the American Heart Association (AHA) Heart-Check Food Certification Program. While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of this disease.


Please note that the Heart-Check Food Certification does not apply to recipes or information reached through links to other information unless expressly stated. For more information, see the American Heart Association® nutrition requirements here.


46% lower sodium than USDA Data for Deli Cut White Rotisserie Turkey. Sodium Content 360mg per serving compared to 670mg for USDA data for Deli Cut White Rotisserie Turkey.


Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in poultry.


Ingredientes frescos cortados a mano para ofrecer su sabor característico