Organic American Cheese
El Boar’s Head® Organic American Cheese está elaborado con leche orgánica certificada por el USDA de vacas criadas humanitariamente.*** Lleva el sello de garantía Real® Seal, lo que significa que es un producto de alta calidad elaborado con leche de vacas lecheras criadas en Estados Unidos. Cremoso, ideal para derretir y convenientemente pre-cortado, Boar’s Head Organic American Cheese seguramente le gustará.
*No artificial ingredients, minimally processed.
***Boar's Head Brand® defines humanely raised as animals raised with shelter, resting areas, sufficient space and the ability to engage in natural behaviors.
Cows raised without the use of antibiotics, hormones or growth promotants.
No significant difference has been shown between milk from rBST treated cows and untreated cows.

Ingredientes frescos cortados a mano para ofrecer su sabor característico