EverRoast® Chicken & Muenster Toasted Sandwich
A delicious sandwich balancing the savory-smooth flavors of EverRoast® Chicken Breast and Muenster Cheese with the crisp warmth of a toasted French baguette.
- Pre-heat oven to 350º F.
- Place sliced baguette roll on baking sheet. Once oven is pre-heated, place baking sheet in the oven for about 2-3 minutes to toast the roll.
- Remove roll from oven and place on flat surface.
- On the top portion of the roll, spread with gourmaise.
- On the bottom portion of roll, layer in the following order: spinach, tomato slices, chicken and top with Muenster Cheese.
- Place the top of the roll, gourmaise side down on the rest of the sandwich and serve.
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